Request information

  • In filling out this information, you are requesting that our team follow up with you within one business day or less. We ask that you submit your phone number and the best time to call, so that we can answer your questions. In addition, it would be appreciated if you could submit how you found us and why you are contacting us today. We look forward to speaking with you.

    If you are an existing patient, we ask that you do not use this form and contact us directly at the office at Smileboston Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry Phone Number 617-277-4100 or email [email protected].

    Privacy Policy

  • Contact Information

  • Please share when it will be best for our team to follow up with you on your appointment request.
    Call, Text, or EmailDay of the WeekTime of Day
  • *Check all that apply
    **Please help us by adding specific details below
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Office Hours

Monday:   7:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday:   7:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday:   7:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday:   7:30am - 4:30pm

To schedule your appointment, call us directly at (Smileboston Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry office Phone Number 617-277-4100). (Coming soon: Self-scheduling where you have the ability to select and book your own appointment.Please allow approximately 90 minutes for your initial visit. If you are experiencing pain or are in an emergency situation, we will do our absolute best to see you the same day.

We work hard to stay on schedule and to minimize waiting at the time of your appointment. However, referral of emergency patients can cause delays to the schedule and, when necessary, your understanding and patience are very much appreciated.

How to reach us on Friday

Although we don’t schedule patients on Friday, we are always available for emergencies or to make an appointment.


Please call the office (Smileboston Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry office Phone Number 617-277-4100) and you will be directed to the specific phone number to assist you.

  • For an emergency – You will be directed to your doctor’s direct cell, even after hours.
  • Reschedule an appointment for the next business day – We ask that you speak with a team member directly, so that we may accommodate patients who may be waiting for an earlier appointment.
  • Schedule an appointment – Leave a message on our voicemail and we will call you the following business day. We are in at 7:00 am, so please let us know the earliest we can call. (Coming soon: Self-scheduling where you have the ability to select and book your own appointment.)


We look forward to answering your questions. Please call the office (Smileboston Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry office Phone Number 617-277-4100)and you will be directed to the specific phone number to assist you.