Enjoying Holiday Sweets Without Damaging Dental Work
The holiday season is a time of joy and delicious treats. If you have crowns, veneers, fillings, or dental implants, it’s essential to protect your dental work. But don’t worry; you can still indulge in a few decadent desserts and seasonal favorites without risking your restorations and teeth. Nobody wants to spend the holidays at an emergency dental appointment, and with the proper precautions, you can enjoy the season worry-free.
Be Selective With Your Treats
There are so many sweets everywhere during the holidays. Dishes full of hard candies and sticky toffees, cookies of all kinds, delicious cakes, and pies are part of the season. Rather than trying everything, choose a few soft cookies or fruit-based desserts like tarts or fruit pies that are kind to both your teeth and dental work. Avoid chewy caramels and toffees that could pull at crowns or damage veneers. Hard candies can crack dental work or your natural teeth, so skip them if possible.
Practice Moderation
It may be the holiday season but try to minimize sugar. Too much sugar increases the risk of decay around dental work. You don’t want a cavity to start at the base of a crown and lead to more damage. Balance sweets with healthy snacks like veggies, crunchy apples, and cheese, which neutralize acids and are easier on the teeth.
Chew Properly
It’s tempting to bite into tough or chewing foods and tear at them with your front teeth, but it’s not a good idea, particularly if you have veneers. Always use your back or side teeth to chew or break off a bite of something tough or chewy. (And on a side note, please don’t open packages with your teeth!)
Drink Smart
Drinks like cocoa and eggnog are high in sugar, so following them with a glass of water will rinse away excess sugar and minimize plaque buildup. Avoid red wine, coffee, and dark teas that can stain veneers and composite fillings. If you do drink them, rinse your mouth with water afterward.
Don’t Skip Brushing or Flossing
With so many opportunities to indulge, it’s essential to stick to daily flossing and twice daily brushing. Brushing mid-day is also a good idea if you eat lots of sweets at a party or family gathering. Take extra care to floss around crowns and bridges, where acids and sugars can linger along the gum line. Adding a fluoride mouthwash to your routine can also help.
Be Prepared for Dental Emergencies
At Smileboston, we are always available to help our patients of record with dental emergencies. If you are in pain or have seriously damaged your dental work over the holidays, contact our office at Smileboston Cosmetic and Implant Dentistry office Phone Number 617-277-4100. Even if it is after hours or over the holiday, you will be directed on how to proceed.
Remember, having dental work doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the holiday treats you love. You can savor your favorites by being selective about what you choose and maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. And if something does happen, Smileboston is only a phone call away, ready to assist you.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!
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